Michigan Digital is back at the Downtown Detroit Marriott supporting the annual conference of the Michigan Pharmacists Association with a complete audiovisual solution that is tailored to the specific needs of this conference. These services helped to create an engaging and immersive environment that helped to enhance inform audiences while ensuring that this event ran smoothly and successfully.
The MPA convention included more than 40 hours of live continuing education programming, general sessions, exhibit hall and luncheons, the annual banquet and awards ceremony, and the House of Delegates meeting.
Michigan Digital used new digital gear which uses digital signals and processing to produce and transmit quality audio and video signals. Including digital projectors, digital audio mixers, digital signal processors, and digital video cameras. Our new gear provides higher resolution, better color accuracy, and more flexibility in terms of signal processing.
Laser-driven gear, including laser projectors, laser displays, and laser stage lighting, uses lasers instead of traditional bulbs, which offer several advantages over traditional lighting, including higher brightness, better color accuracy, longer lifespan, and lower power consumption.
Thanks to new digital and laser driven gear MPA had the benefit of more brilliant AV.
If your coming to Detroit, or any Michigan venue, reach out to the experts at Michigan Digital for a quote.
Michigan Digital Live Events … Better AV, Lower cost.